Day 1 (Jul.14): Table Discussion (K-Hall, Kami Campus)
9:00-10:00 Table Discussion I (FIU students)
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
10:30-11:30 Table Discussion II (KUT students)
Lunch Time
13:00 Workshop Registration (K-Hall, Kami Campus)
13:30-13:35 Opening Remark (Prof. Akimitsu Hatta, Vice President, Kochi Univ. Tech.)
13:35-13:40 Greeting Speech (Prof. Chunlei Wang, Florida Inter. Univ., Leader of IRES Project)
Keynote Session
13:40-14:10 Keynote 1: Broadening Carbon Ring (Prof. Chunlei Wang, Florida Inter. Univ.)
14:10-14:40 Keynote 2: Terahertz Devices and Applications (Prof. Nezih Pala, Florida Inter. Univ.)
14:40-15:10 Keynote 3: Beyond Nature – Carbon Nanomaterials and the Metamaterial Revolution (Prof. Hiroshi Furuta, Kochi Univ. Tech.)
15:10-15:30 Coffee Break
Poster Session I (15:30-16:00)
P1 Effect of thermal annealing on the properties of AZO films synthesized by mist CVD, Luis Lamberty, Htet Su Wai, Ryusei Yamashita, Chunlei Wang, Chaoyang Li, Kochi Univ. Tech., Florida Inter. Univ.
P2 Synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanostructures on different substrates by chemical bath deposition, David Balzora, Mizuki Taguchi, Mina Taira, Chunlei Wang, Chaoyang Li, Kochi Univ. Tech., Florida Inter. Univ.
P3 Fabrication of ZnO Nanorods for Photocatalysis Application, Alyssa Werra, Tomoya Ikuta, Chunlei Wang, Chaoyang Li, Kochi Univ. Tech., Florida Inter. Univ.
P4 Hysteresis in I-V Characteristic of Photoemission Induced Atmospheric Pressure N2 Gas Discharge, Maria Pierson, Ryota Oshio, Akimitsu Hatta, Sukma Wahya Fitriani, Kochi Univ. Tech., Florida Inter. Univ.
P5 The deposition of AlO films on Fe/AlO multilayered catalyst for controlling CNT growth, Nathan Chung, Md. Saiful Islam, Hiroshi Furuta, Kochi Univ. Tech., Florida Inter. Univ.
P6 Optical Property of Carbon Nanotube Based Metamaterials, Yleana Ceballos, Md. Saiful Islam, Hiroshi Furuta, Kochi Univ. Tech., Florida Inter. Univ.
Poster Session II (16:10-16:40)
P7 Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO Based-thin films for Photocatalytic Application, Tomoya Ikuta, Htet Su Wai, Chaoyang Li, Kochi Univ. Tech.
P8 Synthesis and characterization of GZO thin films and nanorods in a low temperature
process, Mizuki Taguchi, Chaoyang Li, Kochi Univ. Tech.
P9 Fabrication of AZO Core-shells on ZnO Nanorods by Mist Chemical Vapor
Deposition Method and Applying for Photocatalysis, Htet Su Wai, Chaoyang Li, Kochi Univ. Tech.
P10 Gas Species Dependence of Photoemission Excitation Atmospheric Pressure
Discharge, Ryota Oshio, Maria Pierson, Manato Nagata, Sukma Wahyu Fitriani, Akimitsu Hatta, Kochi Univ. Tech., Florida Inter. Univ., Kyushu Univ.
P11 Single walled carbon nanotube growth on Fe catalyst nanoparticles formed by
intermittent magnetron sputtering, Hiroshi Furuta, Taichi Marui, Yuto Sawada, Rebekah Arias, Nobuyoshi Kameoka, Ryuichi Shinsei, Nezih Pala, Kochi Univ. Tech., Center for Nanotechnology, Research Institute, Kochi Univ. Tech., Florida Inter. Univ.
P12 Machine learning Feature extraction and clustering using autoencoder form CNT forest cross-sectional SEM images, Ryuichi Shinsei, Hiroshi Furuta, School of Systems Engineering, Kochi Univ. Tech., Center for Nanotechnology, Research Institute, Kochi Univ. Tech.
P13 Enhancing Solar Heat Absorption: Harnessing the Potential of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) as an Efficient Heat-Absorbing Material, Saiful Islam, Hiroshi Furuta, School of Systems Engineering, Kochi Univ. Tech., Center for Nanotechnology, Research Institute, Kochi Univ. Tech.
16:40 Closing Remarks (Prof. Chaoyang Li, Chair of International Relations Center, Kochi Univ. Tech.)